ao3 tags
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before you follow
• this is not at all an official account
• it’s not intended to make fun of fanfic in any way either, the admin just reads A Lot of fic and wanted to share some of the tags they found funny
• this account doesn’t support ‘anti-antis’ (pls leave)
• in that same vein pls don’t follow if you ship or condone peodophilic, incestous, or abusive ships
• most of the tags tweeted on this account don’t need the context of the fandom their from, but the admin will occasionally (read: pretty much never) tweet from specific fandoms
• the admin is very uncomfortable with rpf, and any tweets they tweet that are from rpf fics were suggestions
•sometimes this account isn’t active for like a month sorry
• feel free to dm to suggest tags you’d like this account to tweet
• however, sometimes the admin won’t reply to dms for a while, so sorry if they haven’t replied to you
• this account will sometimes tweet slightly nsfw tags, and the admin is not uncomfortable with getting nsfw suggestions, but they are a minor, so keep that in mind
• no link necessary, but if the fic is yours and you want credit, let me know
• feel free to suggest fandom-specific tags, but know that they might not be tweeted if they reference a character or something the admin doesn’t know
• PLEASE stop suggesting ‘no beta we die like men’
about the admin
• kate
• she/her (they is fine too tho)
• minor
• main fandoms are bnha, young avengers, les mis, and the magnus archives, but ive dipped my toes in pretty much every fandom under the sun, and am still in many of them
• im not going to put the @ to my main anywhere on this account but if you really want it, you can dm me